A new version of AV Book Library has been released!
A basic, searchable web database of your personal book collection. Records the main details of a book, & whether you’ve read it and/or loaned it to someone. Uses Amazon(tm) to fetch and cache the cover images. Organized by category.
V 1.2 Includes:
- Logo/banner links back to public library home page.
- Moved the save/update admin functions to a new functions file in the lib directory.
- Javascript validation of required fields.
- Button to fetch book info from Amazon and populate the fields for the Add Book page.
- Implemented Patch # 2799581
- Special thanks to patch contributer Jan De Luyck.
Also some of the documentation that used to be included with the release has been removed and added to the Wiki.
Download it here: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=209711