Mature Design Theory in Web Development

Traditional PC software development has had the benefit of several decades of experimentation, research, and improvement. There is a wealth of literature on how to develop applications based on time-tested principals and methodologies. However, web development is often seen as the immature kid brother of application devepment and hasn’t been given as much quality attention.

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Why The Internet Will Change Our World

Ok, you might say that it already has, which is true. But we haven’t even begun to get so much as a taste of what’s to come. Why will the future change things and why is the Internet so great (besides the obvious)? Well, I’m going to talk about that a little bit.

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Password Security and Storage

There are many conflicting theories about what to do with passwords. How secure is secure enough? What should your PHP script do with them? Is this just paranoia? This article will provide some general information on dealing with passwords, and some techniques you can use in your PHP scripts.

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Cold Weather and Amazon

So, what’s going on lately? I have to wear gloves in the morning now. It’s getting cold. Just great! I can tell winter is coming, and that means driving in the snow… digging out my car in the mornings, all that fun stuff. I hate it…

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And here comes the blog.

Diaries and journals are evil. Everytime over the course of my life that I’ve tried to keep some kind of a diary… I ended up resenting it. Feeling some kind of obligation to write it in, it became an ever-present nag on my sub-conscience. Gee, you haven’t written in your diary in a few days. […]

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